(From Morningstar Development, www.msdev.org) – It has been 3 years since the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the City of Kabul fell to the Taliban on August 15, 2021. Before that day, Morning Star Development, a Christian organization, based in America had been active in the education and leadership training of young Afghans. And, while some drastic changes were forced upon this organization as many of the Afghani’s and western staffers had to flee for their lives, progress is still being made in spite of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
In speaking with Afghan friends here in America, we asked if the Taliban were considered to be Shia or Sunni Muslim? They all agreed that the Taliban do not fall into either category, and even disputed whether or not this type of evil would be classified as Muslim.
Their families at home are facing severe food shortages, a lack of basic health services, jobs, access to education, gender apartheid, the loss of loved ones and homes, etc. The mental health of women (who are forced to stay indoors) has continued to diminish and they have lost any freedoms.
For Morningstar, their programs have run into many challenges as they deal with a government that is arbitrary and ever changing. They are often impeded by “inexperienced, uneducated officials” who have been put into top government positions. Needless to say, the Morningstar staffers are constantly depending on God’s guidance as they quickly pivot to find the way forward. And, in spite of all of this, Morningstar continues to add staff and God continues to open doors for them.
If you would like to learn more about and support the work of Morningstar Development in their work with the Afghan people, please go to www.msdev.org
Before Afghanistan fell, we here at thewaitingworld.net produced a prayer video about the Pushtun people living there. You can view the video here, and please PRAY for the suffering people of Afghanistan!