Awesome Tool For Mission Mobilizers!
Help Mobilize Your Church To Pray!

World Prayer Guides will help your church to pray for Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists more effectively! Mobilize your church to join the millions of Christians around the world praying for Muslims during Ramadan this year! Ramadan runs for 30 days… Read moreHelp Mobilize Your Church To Pray!
No Distant Lands
Pray For Families In Nepal

(From Let’s pray for God’s Kingdom to come in and through families in Nepal. Nepal’s families are experiencing significant changes transitioning from joint families to more nuclear setups, especially in urban areas. Also, about one in four households have… Read morePray For Families In Nepal
Offering Bribes To Convert To Islam

(This true story is from the Bible translators, Wycliffe Associates in their January, ’25 letter. Check out their website at For security reasons, actual nations are not referenced.) They were offered bribes to convert to Islam, but their love… Read moreOffering Bribes To Convert To Islam
Ask The Lord of The Harvest…To Send

There is an enormous need in India and other South Asian nations for workers. Luke 10:2 ((NIV) says, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His… Read moreAsk The Lord of The Harvest…To Send
So Many Need Jesus

An unreached people group (“upg”) is comprised of people anywhere in the world who have little to no access to the Gospel of Christ. Their primary religions are Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, as well as animism, or the worship of spirits… Read moreSo Many Need Jesus
So Many To Reach In South Asia…

South Asia consists of the nations of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. While these nations are beautiful, exotic, and interesting, the people there have little to no access to the Gospel of Christ. The major religions are… Read moreSo Many To Reach In South Asia…