Christians Worship In Spite of Persecution

Included with this post is a worship video featuring Fulani Christians singing “Christ is The Way, The Truth and Life”.

According to the Global Centre for Responsibility To Protect (3/1/22), At least 35,000 people have been killed in northern Nigeria since 2009 when Boko Haram, a terrorist group based in northern Nigeria, launched its insurgency aimed at overthrowing Nigeria’s secular government and establishing an Islamic state. There are at least 2.2 million internally displaced persons in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states while health services and education have been severely disrupted. These groups have also perpetrated attacks in neighboring countries, killing and displacing civilians in Cameroon, Chad and Niger. Since early 2021 the group has expanded into north-central Nigeria.”

The main target of Boko Haram is Christians, especially those who have converted from Islam.  In other words, Muslim Background Believers or M-B-Bs.  These Nigerian Christians, many of whom are from the Fulani people group,  struggle with extreme persecution and poverty.  The Fulani are a key unreached people group featured on  video series, and workers among them ask that we pray for the Fulani to have more dreams and visions of “the Man in white” who visits them in the night. He is the One they call “Jesu”.  Also, please pray for their youth to be able to stand strong in the face of severe persecution (physical, mental, and emotional) and substance abuse.