Laos Needs Our Prayers

(From, 10/23) The small Southeast Asian nation of Laos is considered by Open Doors’ Watch List to be the 31st most dangerous nation in the world in which Christians live.  Laos is a communist nation, and the government considers all Christian church gatherings to be illegal.  Like many nations, Laos mixes their “religion” of communist atheism with animism…the belief in evil spirits that can control the lives of humans.  It’s no wonder then that in a remote Laotian village, tribal chiefs were worried that a meeting of Christians during a worship service might “anger the gods” by leaving the gods for Christianity. The believers were forced to disband immediately

According to Human Rights Watcher For Laos Religious Freedom (HRWFLRF), Christian worship services are increasingly harassed  and believers are routinely threatened with arrest and huge fines if they don’t leave immediately.  The children of Christian families are not allowed to attend school in some areas, and one family of 7 (the youngest being 3 years of age) have been left homeless and face starvation.

If you would like to learn more about animism, watch this brief video from The Waiting World series: