Niger Says, “Yes” to Deradicalizing Terrorists!

(From Marti Wade,, and www.persecution.orgNOTE: This is the 3rd deradicalization course in Niger with 40 graduating!.  06/07/2022 Niger (International Christian Concern) – Last Monday, authorities reported that over 40 former Boko Haram members had taken and completed a deradicalization and professional training course in southeast Niger.

After the completion of the course, the participants were given equipment to help them start their own businesses such as plumbing, carpentry, sewing, or welding businesses. For their “practicing moderate Islam” course, they were required to swear on a Koran that they would not do any more violence.

The Nigerien authorities have promised amnesty to jihadists who agree to rejoin society by surrendering. This was the third deradicalization class to be completed in Niger. General Mahamadou Abou Tarka reported the success of the program and stated that the program would be set up in the western region of Tillaberi. Tillaberi has been a hotbed for jihadist attacks since 2017 with its strategic location at the borders between Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso.

Niger has been affected by jihadist violence over the past couple of years, with al-Qaeda and Islamic State-linked militants causing attacks in the west and Boko Haram and IS militants causing attacks in the southeast. President Mohamed Bazoum has also begun talks with militants in an attempt to maintain peace in Niger.

Please pray for peace in Niger.

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