Remembering Young Martyrs

Early on the morning of August 5th, 2023 a team of young missionaries in Brazil were en route to their next assignment when they were involved in a tragic auto accident. All members of this team were in their early 20’s, and three of them died at the scene. The team were all volunteer staff with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Brazil. YWAM is the largest, non-denominational mission training and sending ministry in the world, and YWAMers around the world mourn this team’s tragic loss.

According to YWAM Brazil “These five young individual embarked on this journey with the noble purpose of participating in a missionary training, committing themselves to bring the oral translation of the Bible to peoples and cultures that still do not have access to God’s Word in their mother tongue.”

Please pray for: the families of the victims who are dealing with this tragic and unexpected loss; the two young women who survived the accident as they deal with their own severe injuries, as well as the loss of their team members; the entire staff of YWAM Brazil. Pray, too, for the finances for transporting the bodies and burials to come in . For more information on how you can help, please email,