The mission field has come to the USA!

That’s right! Now you don’t have to travel overseas to go into missions. Maybe you can just go across the street or across town! Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists have come to America, and they all have one thing in common: they need a positive encounter with an American Christian if they are ever going to have a personal relationship with the One who gave His life for them! If you don’t know any immigrants, try reaching out to one of the many refugee agencies in your city, or go to an Indian or Lebanese restaurant, or perhaps visit an Asian market. Go onto nearly any college or university campus, and get to know some foreign students. Volunteer to teach English at a local church or community center. The idea is: make new friends! Build a relationship with them before you share the Gospel, but make sure they can see the Light of His love in you. Sadly, many of our new residents will live here for years without any Christian reaching out to them. You will be glad you did, and, by doing so, you will be “going into all the world”!