(This is from “Y” Slavic Ministries) – Our “Y” workers continue to work tirelessly to assist in providing aid to the people there who cannot escape. They are mostly older people and mothers with children. Aid has come in from “Y” centers around the globe, as well as with donations of money from good people like you.
In Kyiv alone, from the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, the following have been damaged or destroyed: 208 residential houses, 46 schools, 29 kindergartens and 1 orphanage, 13 administrative buildings, 2 sports facilities, 5 social sector objects, 17 health care facilities, 10 cultural sectors, and 48 transport infrastructure objects. At the Kramatorsk train station in Donbus the “Y” team arrived right after Russian missiles hit. They were able to offer assistance treating the injured.
Following is a group of Ukrainians singing “The Subway Prayer”…first sung in their subways, but now on the streets of Amsterdam: