Miracles Do Still Happen!

As we scan over the reports from missionaries from around the globe in preparation of these blog posts, we can give you the true testimony: God is still in the business of doing miracles around the globe! Whether it’s dreams of “the Man in White” at the foot of a Middle Eastern Muslim believer’s bed in the middle of the night saying, ” I am Isa (Jesus)! Follow Me!”; or, a small group of Buddhist background/Christian believers in South Asia who decide to regularly tithe their main crop (rice) to their local church so that the church can then sell it and give the money to global missions (YES, global missions!) and then they continually have bumper crops each year while giving the equivalent of thousands of dollars to missions; or, whether it’s the story of a witch doctor in Africa who decides to disrupt a Christian revival service in Sudan, but in doing so, he is lifted up incredibly high in the air by “some force” and then thrown to the ground hard (by the way, he immediately gave his life to Christ when he realized a stronger power than his black magic was there and today he’s an on-fire evangelist), God is regularly doing miracles in and around the 10/40 Window area of the world. Yet another example came to us today from Pray4Asia by way of India: a lady was bitten by a dog. She took medication, consulted doctors and even tried black magic, but her leg did not heal. Doctors feared they might have to amputate her leg. A group of Jesus-followers heard about her situation and went and prayed for her. As a result, the medications that were previously not working began to take effect. Soon, she recovered completely. After this, she and her son, and some other members of her family, gave their lives to Jesus. Praise God for answering prayers for her healing. Praise God for doors for the gospel that opened after this answer to prayer. Pray that those who gave their lives to Jesus would grow in Him and be strong in their faith. Pray for God to use them to lead others to Jesus and disciple them.