One New Believer’s Story

(From – When Dev* was baptized on December 31st, 2020, his small business had been almost ruined. The covid pandemic had hit his business very hard. He was in debt. But as a new believer, the joy of knowing Jesus was greater than the pain of his economic hardships. He learned about biblical giving and started to faithfully give to God’s work through the house church of which he was a part. Throughout 2021, he started seeing improvements. In 2022, he started to see big, positive changes. Now, his business is doing very well. And he also continues to look for opportunities to share Jesus with others. 

– Praise God for testimonies like these. 

– Pray for God to use people like Dev in evangelism and disciple-making. 

– Pray for more such stories of God’s faithfulness in the lives of new believers.   *name changed